Monday 28 August 2023

Correction and retraction of previous post -- Power Cut

If you want to understand what is going on I suggest that you read the previous post.   I will remove it in its entirety within 24 hours.                  

'' my neighbour's builders cut through my electric supply cable"

Late last night I found a letter from my neighbour on the mat wherein he asks for an apology for and retraction of the above statement. It seems that my neighbours somehow got hold of my blog and even read it. Could they be the only people in Valleys End to do so?

In any case, I am happy to retract the above statement. After the National Grid engineers had finished next door they came to me and explained what they had done, showing me a photograph of the underground cables before and after repairs and pointed out the work they had done to the meter on my outside wall.

It was this engineer who was of the opinion that builders had caused the damage to my power supply. "Someone probably put a spade through it," he said. I accept that I did not see any of the damage myself, only a photograph, which would have told me very little. I simply took the engineer's word for it. He seemed to base his opinion on the age of the material used as shown in the photograph. The engineer also stated that whoever had done it had "done a bodge job". His words, not mine. I have no idea who carried out the work.

My neighbour kindly called on me the day after to assert that the fault could not possibly have been caused by his builders. I appreciated the visit; I took it for a sign that there might be a thaw in our relationship and under no circumstances do I want to imply that he might have been wrong. Whatever the truth of the matter, I have no personal knowledge either way and hereby apologise for my statement. I am sorry that I accepted the engineer's explanation over that of my neighbour.

This is the letter I received from my neighbour, all names and addresses removed:

27August 2023

Dear …

You have recently published some incorrect comments in your blog which I am concerned may cause yyou some embarrassment, and I felt you should have the opportunity to correct your inaccuracies as soon as possible.

You may recall (although perhaps you don’t), the day after your electricity supply was restored I came around to your house to ensure that the repair was sound and your electricity supply had remained intact. I explained that, contrary to the obvious conclusion, the damage to your electricity cable was not recent, and the builder’s activity in my drive was not the cause of the disruption.

However, your memory does appear to be selective, as you stated in your blog that it was our builder’s activity that had caused the damage.

I’d be grateful if you could publish a retraction of your earlier statement with an explanation of your original mistake. Otherwise any local readers of your blog who are not in full possession of the facts may draw the conclusion that I am a person of dubious character who is willing to tell lies and mislead, and that the building firm I have been using is cavalier and incompetent, which it is not.

I would also be grateful, in the future, you choose to pass comment on me or my activities, that you check with me first to ensure you don’t write something about me which isn’t true and which may cause offence.

Yours sincerely

PS: italics and highlighted phrases mine


  1. Wow, That must have been a shock to find out someone so close by was reading your blog. That has not happened to me in the nearly twenty years I've been blogging. He should be very happy with this post. LOL

    1. That will probably confirm that you must never tell anyone about your blog. Do you really think this post will please him? Whenever I mention anyone in Valley's End (an invented name, obviously), I must make damn sure that they are not recognisable. I could always change over to Wordpress. Must consider that.

    2. To my mind, wordpress brings a lot of new restrictions and issues for you. The readers. I could be wrong. But I do hope you'll stay here in our blogging neighborhood. Or at least leave a forwarding address!

    3. I'd certainly leave a forwarding address, can't lose my favourite readers, can I?

  2. Ouch! That's an upsetting letter to receive, though I'm sure your neighbour thinks it entirely reasonable. I can't see you checking with him that anything else you write meets with his approval. After all, he could take offence at just about everything. Take care, Ursula.

    1. Upsetting and totally unexpected. You are right, he may be very quick to take offence. As we have no contact it's unlikely that I will ever find anything to write about him. I sincerely hope so, anyway.

  3. Oh clearly, you have your hands full! However, considering they might read this and decide to take legal action against myself, I hereby state for the record. They are lovely people who are never wrong about anything. Sure hope this satisfies them! Aloha, Friko. Carry on. We didn't know you are a minor celebrity with devoted readers in your area.!

    1. Good call, Claudia. One can never be careful enough.

  4. Oh Friko, what an upsetting circumstance. I hope you stay on blogger since it is hard for me to follow people on wordpress and I enjoy your posts. Be well my friend. As I type this there are five roofers on my roof putting on a new roof and I am staying home with my pup.

    1. I may just check out Wordpress but I am not very adept at digital matters so may stay here.

  5. For once I am grateful that no one in our neighborhood knows I have a blog. I doubt they’df read my posts even if they did. LOL. Texas might not be for bloggers. :D

    1. Clearly not just Texas. You forgot to leave your name.

  6. You took the word of the engineer, the professional, as would anyone in your position. A simple apology, oops, sorry if I offended you, is sufficient imo. it is entirely possible that his builders did do the damage and that your neighbor is wrong in his beliefs. the man, by your account, has not been that great a neighbor since he expected you to bear the brunt of his recovations.

    anyway, a similar thing happened to me. my neighbors one lot over are/were (her husband has since died) gun nuts. he was in the habil of shooting at passing dogs and I accused him one New Year's Eve of shooting off his gun at midnight. I had no idea she read my blog but she was pissed, claimed it was a neighbor on the next street over (it did not sound that far away). I didn't remove the post but I did write a retraction next post but did not apologise for calling them gun nuts. however, the next time her husband toddled over to the fence with his chair walker to talk to me, there was his gun on the seat in plain sight. he brought his gun where I could see it and I considered it a veiled threat. if that's not a gun nut I don't know what is.

    1. I agree, the damage could have been caused at anytime by anyone doing underground work. Luckily he didn't show me a gun, I'd have been petrified. Guns are not common round here and I have never met a gun nut, I am glad to say.

  7. Hi Friko - oh gosh ... that sounds really unpleasant - I do hope he might consider his reply - though I suspect he doesn't think that way . With thoughts - and I hope this resolves itself simply and quickly and things can settle down. Very unfortunate - and sent with thoughts - Hilary

    1. Thanks Hilary. I may yet have to escape from my home.

  8. Oh Friko. What an awful letter to receive. As Hilary says, I hope this settles down and your subsequent post satisfies him. I suspect not.

    1. I sincerely hope so, I don't really want contact with them.

  9. What a bratty little baby.

    I feel rather sorry for the guy -- he's very small, isn't he? He reminds me of something I read about Donald Trump -- he doesn't like to fire people in person. He'd always do it on Twitter or have someone else do it. I get the latter method -- direct confrontation can be hard (and I'd be wrong to admit I'd never done it.) But I'm just curious. Why does he think HE is right (it couldn't possibly be HIS builders) and the experienced engineer is wrong? The builders would never be likely to say they did it, if that was the case. And if I had to put money on opinions, the engineer's would be more likely to win out. I see no explanation in his letter to back his claim. After all the grief and aggravation you have gone through with these people, this would just feel like the last straw to me.

    And before I forget, my two cents. You do not need to remove the post. Instead, put in a paragraph that says "My neighbor disagrees. Please read my following post for his point of view." And link to it. No reason he should control your blog but it is fair to mention his differing point of view and point your readers to his letter. Which they've probably already read anyway.) That clears you.

    When I started my blog I had to make a conscious decision as to how much I would write or put on it about others. I remembered what one of my former colleagues said, I think about Facebook but it applies to blogs -- "don't put anything out there that you wouldn't want to see on the front page of the New York Times." It was good advice and MOST of the time I've held to it! But we all can get caught out if someone is Google-crazy and has all the time in the world to use all the right search terms. And please don't switch platforms. Please.

    1. I didn't think to sort this matter out the way you suggested. Silly me, you are quite right.
      But I have to live next door to my neighbour (unless I leave Valley's End which I don't want to do right now) and the more formal the contact the better. After all, nobody knows 100% who did the damage. As far as I'm concerned it no longer matters.
      If I move platforms I'll give you a forwarding address, but if Blogger doesn't mess me about I'll probably stay here.

  10. Good grief Ursula, what a silly neighbour.....the things that bellowed at me from his la de da letter was being so very sure his builders did not cause the damage and subsequent disruption. Ok fine, they didn't then. So who did then Mr Neighbour?? And if as he said in his letter it wasn't recent...then when?? His letter holds many unanswered statements, is way over the top and bloody dramatic as we'd say here. So, I certainly hope you don't delete any of your posts! They're fine, you need to embrace that, and that you have certainly gone above and beyond..and he needs to pull his flicking head in. Way in.
    Do publish my post darling Friko, won't you. Oh and by the way if he's now an avid reader of your blog, then it's just further proof of how interesting your writing is.

    1. Thanks for the compliment.
      You pointed out something I had missed: he has made a definite statement but given no background to it. You are quite right, who did do the damage. Nobody knows.

  11. Hopefully you'll decide to stay on this platform with your blog and not move to wordpress.

  12. It's good that the neighbor reads your blog, Frico. So that they don't think that all the inconvenience that can cause you will go unnoticed. And it's good that he explained what happened.

    1. I am not sure that he knows what exactly happened. Only the person who did the damage knows. and nobody knows who that is.

  13. The whole story sounds like "Facebook" !

    1. Really? I am not on FB so wouldn't know. If what you say is true perhaps I better stay off.
      This has been really unpleasant.

  14. Not a very neighborly guy. I would take the Electrical people explanation. You can write what ever you want, this is your blog and your opinions. Do not allow him to bully you.


Comments are good, I like to know what you think of my posts. I know you'll keep it civil.