Thursday 3 March 2022

Old Ladies

Just now I finished a phone call with a very old lady friend. Old in years, not so much old in friend years. One of these sweet old dears who rarely, if ever, have a bad word to say about anyone, gentle and mild, a white halo for hair, small in size, frail and delicate. Articulate, educated, well-mannered, a lady. Sometimes I have wished that she might drop the sweetness, even if just by accident and join the rough, crude, occasionally cross and sweary world I inhabit.

We got talking about Putin and the invasion of Ukraine. Is there anyone cognisant who doesn't? I said I want him dead, shot, eliminated.

"Shot?", she said. "Shooting is too good for him, I want him hung, drawn and quartered", she thundered, "I want him torn limb from limb". To my great delight the old lady was spitting nails. Obviously, I agree with her and told her so and it gives me hope that old does not automatically have to equate to lacking spirit.

Life is slowly, in minute increments, resuming pace. A well attended garden club meets monthly again in a village hall a twenty minute drive away. When I heard that two ladies (yes, oldish) from my neck of the woods were on the committee and would therefore go I asked for a lift. The driver very kindly agreed. These meetings take the form of a paid speaker giving an illustrated talk on their subject of choice with open questions at the end. I have in the past attended many such meetings elsewhere and enjoyed them and sometimes I didn't.

What is wrong with non-professional speakers? You'd think that, as they get paid, they'd get the basics right. The speaker that evening started by getting her microphone upside down, she then sat with her back to the audience staring down at her laptop, and mumbled her way through a very uninspiring talk with few and mainly boring photographs presented on the screen. How many beds of snowdrops can you take, how many pictures of men at work and heaps of earth waiting to be turned into flower beds? And finishing off with a picture of more old ladies crowding the cake counter in the cafeteria of the garden she was supposed to delight us with simply made me even more cross. All this and when you go to the rather famous garden's website you get some beautiful vistas.

As I had been given a lift by two friends active in the club I thought I'd better not say anything on the way home. Imagine how pleased I was when one of them said that the evening had been a waste of time, the speaker quite poor and not to be invited again. One of them asked the other if they should not point out to potential speakers that they should face the audience and speak clearly. "Not really," the other one said, "they might be offended". Such very good old lady manners, spend a boring evening rather than give offence.

The entire audience consisted of nice old ladies with just a sprinkling of old gentlemen. I didn't see anyone above middle height, under 65, and with any colour hair other than grey. I have a friend who says I am incredibly negative; she's right, of course. I must learn to stop being so judgemental and keep shtum, unless I find genuine cause for praise. I have my doubts, however, that I will succeed.

I have mentioned the German Conversation group before, well, we have commenced face-to-face meetings again; we are slowly working our way through "Die Deutsche Seele" (the German Soul) a many-paged book with essays on such German terms as Fussball, German Angst, Bauhaus, Wanderlust, all the way from A through to Z. Alternatively, we watch DVDs on German history, starting with the 9th Century and ending with the Weimar Republic, a thousand years later. That should keep us old ladies busy for some time to come.

All in all, life is picking up. 


  1. I'm glad you're picking up the threads again. Abd that your spirit is still pretty energetic!

  2. I am with your friend! You made me laugh out loud, and I am so glad to hear that little by little your life is picking up. :-)

  3. Too bad that the Garden speaker wasted your time. I probably would have walked out:)

  4. How do speakers get selected? There should be some criteria that helps ensure the quality of the presentation and that the delivery is good. At least the two other women with you acknowledged the poor overall quality of this speaker. Your German Conversation Group sounds quite good. It is great that face-to-face meetings are back.

  5. It's good that life is returning to normal for you. The sweet little old lady made me laugh. I think we all feel the same way about that odious little man.

  6. Being kind and gentle, not swearing and not saying bad things about others does not necessarily indicate a lack of spirit, but then I guess you didn't mean that anyway.

    The person who ran the meeting and introduced the speaker should have said something (politely, of course!) to her about facing the audience and speaking clearly.

    As for Putin, I'm afraid it is the same as with any such dangerous person - if they are gone, someone else quickly takes their place. Did killing Bin Laden end Islamistic terror? Did killing Gaddhafi make Lybia a free, pleasant country? The only exception that comes to mind is Hitler's death; that really did make a difference, but it wasn't the only factor, of course.

  7. For me if a speaker is paid more than expenses, they are professional speakers and need to perform as such. Lucky I am not a professional blogger and I can make typos and grammatical errors without criticism.

    I find much to praise along with not holding back with criticism when due. I think at a certain age, not sure of the figure, you are allowed to not take nonsense any more in your life.

    Whoever selected the third rate speaker is probably not paid but still, some selection diligence would have been a good thing to do.

  8. Some people, even experts in their field, simply don't have what it takes to become an effective public speaker. It can be annoying, I admit. However, the value of being able to once again ride in a car with others, and meet again face to. face, surely outweighs some of the downside of the less than agreeable presentation.

  9. Let's hope we're at the tail end of Covid and life will continue to return to more normal gatherings and outings for you and all of us. I just wish the outing you wrote about had been better quality. perhaps the speaker is out of practice.

  10. There's a community center here and one of the things they do is historical talks. I don't go to them but my sister does and she has plenty to say about the last two (unpaid, unprofessional) speakers. One she said basically spent the whole time talking about herself. And garden club speakers (also unpaid), been to several that just dragged on and we're sitting there wondering when it will end.

  11. Well, I'm certainly with you and your "old" lady friend on Putin. Profoundly tragic in every way. Despite the less than stellar presentation at the meeting, I'm glad you were able to attend, be with people of shared interest again. (And apparently, of shared opinion!). If I was the person chatting with a future speaker and didn't want to directly say "Face the audience," etc., I would, very conversationally, say, "We'll be so glad to have you. We had a speaker once who ..." and outline some of the things, without saying the name -- but end with a compliment to the incoming speaker. Message conveyed. Or, they could just say. But you're right -- "Let's not offend!"

  12. Agree on Putin and things that should be done to him. As for the speaker, is there a way to give a review so someone else isn't stuck with her again. Of course your blog is the type of review that would help anyone else thinking of using her.. Wonder if there is a Yelp for speakers. There should be.

  13. There comes a time when we reach a certain age, that we should be able to speak our minds. Sugar and spice and everything nice is for the birds! I am heartsick over Ukraine, too. Glad you are out and about again.

  14. There's a hair color other than gray?

  15. I'm totally with your old lady friend on Putin! I can't wait until I'm an Old Lady Who Speaks Her Mind myself!

  16. I am delighted to have seen this well written essay. You may poo poo, but I like your facility with words. I also like it when nice people speak frankly with power as your friend did. Things here too seem to be opening up. I intend to enjoy as much of life prudently as possible before the next variant or my own end whichever should come first. I prefer to see neither of them for many years. Here's wishing you all the best and tons of Aloha from Honolulu.

  17. It is hoped the world rises up against Putin, not necessarily the Russian people, he finds some way out without too much more damage.

  18. Hi Friko - I too will be in contact ... but it's so good you had that connection with an old friend (old or old - who cares!). Let's hope the next presentation is better - we have the same challenge here ...

    I must say I learnt when I was talking to my mother in those last years of her life - when I realised I needed to be in sight and needed to talk clearly and slowly, make sure she understood, then progress ... I used the same approach when I give the odd talk - it works. Eye or body language engagement, however brief, with the audience is essential ...

    I will be in touch soon! Cheers Hilary

  19. Seems in all the groups we're in my husband and I are the oldest! About the Ukraine -Russia situation I take my concerns to the highest authority through prayer.

  20. How good that all is resarting and old ladies can be sharp tongued at Putin.

  21. Good to get your ire up so you can appreciate when more pleasant happenings occur. Your German group sounds interesting.


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