Tuesday 8 March 2022

Just Saying

 Traditionally March is a difficult month for Russian rulers.

Stalin died March 5th,
Alexander II was murdered March 13th
Nikolaus II abdicated March 15th,
Ivan The Terrible died March 18th
Paul I was throttled March 24th

It's not that I am trying to suggest anything here but tradition is important!

Just saying.

(Not mine but an English friend's German friend sent this to her and she brought it to our German Conversation meeting this afternoon. I thought it might raise a giggle if I translated it for you.)


  1. There's something to be said for tradition.

  2. So it's possible we could be free of Putin anytime between now and the 31st?

  3. Dein Wort in Gottes Ohr, Friko!

    March is my birthday month (I share the day with William Shatner, although separated by several decades) and that of my mother-in-law in Ripon. She turned 88 yesterday (on the 8th).

  4. Yes, I got a giggle out of that. Be nice to keep up tradition. ;)

  5. Hi Friko - yes definitely let's keep up with tradition (very soon). I'm glad you were able to get out to your German Conversation ... excellent to read - cheers Hilary

  6. We don't want to buck the trend do we?

  7. That did make me smile. I am all for tradition.

  8. The Ides of March would be perfect, but any day would do.

  9. Fingers crossed the pattern holds true.

  10. Let's uphold the tradition. The world would be a better place.

  11. May your March be world's better than theirs!

  12. Tradition can be a very good thing!

  13. That would be a way to keep the tradition... as well as peace.

  14. I hope the thought that came to mind, wishing for someone else to have the same fate, will under the circumstances be considered understandable.

  15. I forgot, sorry to hear you have what I'm trying to avoid getting. I will write about my walking on and off, I have a step counter, I'm starting out very low, but hope to do better. I believ that walking every day, even if it's a short walk, is important. Getting into the routine of it.

  16. It was a nice list, and let's hope we can add a new name on it this month.

  17. Thanks for translating this list to share in English. Clearly there is much to be said for following tradition in Russia.

  18. I hope this tradition continues. As you said, ...just saying.

  19. I appreciate this. Fascinating g of trivia!


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