Sunday 20 September 2020

Big Google/Blogger problems,

 I think. 

posts appear without ysome necessary- (see!) letters and I don't know what to do.

Ditto, posting photos is now a problem. See -you once I've worked the thing out.

If -you have any- (!!) suggestions, I'd be grateful.


  1. I agree that the new blogger is awkward and difficult, esp. for posting photos. For a while it let us revert to the original blogger, but it seems that option has been taken away. If only the people at google would read some of the complaints from people who blog on their site! Anyway, I don't see what we can do except adapt, or change platforms.

  2. Hmmm, have not had *with-letters-added*. Don't have a suggestion.

    To post a photo...

    * When you have a "new post" page up....

    * Look up at line of Icons...Find little square, with white mountains against dark gray background....Run curser over it....The correct one, will say: Insert Image...

    * Click on "Insert Image"

    * A box will show... with 4 things to click on

    * I click on the First One. It says 'Cloud' and 'Upload from computer'

    * Choose your picture file, just like always...

    * The picture you chose, will show in your post, you are composing...

    * Click on the picture...

    * Below the picture, you see a box. First, you choose where you want it to show... Left...Center....Right... I usually choose Center.

    * Keep looking to the right, in that box... there is a little "box" with a "box" IN it, just to the right of where you chose 'center'.

    * Click that. Now a box allows you to pick the Size of your picture. I usually choose original, because I 'size' my picture.

    * Try clicking on each of them, to see, which is the size, you want your picture to be.

    THERE!!!! You have 1 picture posted!!!!!

    Believe me, it will get very easy, after you do it, a few times!!!!!!!

    Keep blogging!!!!

  3. Friko, I'm still struggling with the new blogger also...

  4. The problem with the photo upload is that they keep changing the commander. For the last couple of days the sizing has not appeared at all. Sometimes it won't upload from the photos option and you have to choose the computer option. I wish they'd settle down. I've been doing fine up to now, but each post is a new adventure. Right now the labeling had improved, so there's that.

    You just have to try on different days to see if your problem has been resolved.

    1. I have to put in a correction here. On my phone, the photo commands are so tiny they're illegible. So I missed the new way they're doing photo sizing. I thought when the old arrowhead vanished, that the sizing option had, too. Now I'm on my laptop and I see that the sizing option does appear, in a strip of commands, still very small even on the laptop, but it's there and it works. Upload the photo, click on it, look above it and there's the string. The one with a little box inside a bigger box is the sizing option. Gah, they're trying to cram so much information in that it's too small to read on the phone, and they claim it's easier on the phone....yeah,right.

  5. Dear Friko and Friends, i don't care for Blogger's new format either; they claim it's phone-friendly...yeah, for tweet-sized posts. But if you actually want to type actual paragraphs, and more than one or two, all is well - except for one iddy-biddy problem: going back and proofreading your post/correcting grammar/spelling issues, before putting it out for people to read. The old format was alot less hassle.

  6. A lot of us share your difficulties with new blogger. A clever friend showed me how to revert to 'legacy blogger'. A link to her technique is on my latest post.

    1. Thankyou so much Elephant's Child, for the link. i have yet to read of any blogger who actually likes Blogger's new format. Maybe they'll change it back...but don't anyone hold their breath ;/

  7. I am about to try my first post under the new system. So far I haven't liked anything about it and am so sorry we have lost the option of going back to Legacy. This really takes the fun out of blogging. Good luck.

  8. I am glad that Sue could help you Friko. I am sure they had a reason to change something that worked well, and I am sure I will never understand. I have been using the new blogger for a few months now and am getting used to it.

  9. Depends on how important Blogger is to you, friend Friko. Love, cat.

  10. Since I'm a WordPress blogger, I don't have anything to offer re: the Blogger platform. I will say that I recently have noticed two problems: email notifications of some peoples' posts no longer arrive, and there have been a few times when I've simply been unable to comment. The 'comment box' appears, and seems to be the same as before, but there's no way I can type into the box. I've signed in and out, and tried a variety of other things, but the problems seem to be system-wide.

  11. Most of the time I can't post comments on blogger .


Comments are good, I like to know what you think of my posts. I know you'll keep it civil.