Friday, 1 March 2013

All’s well

that end’s well.

The trials and tribulations which recently beset members of the Friko
household have resolved themselves to everyone’s satisfaction.

Millie has had her stitches out and she’s healing nicely.
She has been given a clean bill of health, all lumps proved harmless.
(Does the regrowth of a dog’s shaved bits itch as madly as a human’s would?)

Jack at the White Horse made sure that none of the visiting American contingent
went hungry. He took very good care of all of us.

I felt well enough this morning to put in a few hours’ work in the garden
without any ill effects so far. (Let these not be famous last words, please)

 The snowdrops are out in force everywhere and warmer, southerly winds have
been promised for the beginning of next week.

And this is how the crazy people of Bishop’s Castle,
just down the road from Valley’s End,
keep their bollards warm on cold days.
(However did they get the sock over the traffic sign at the top?)


  1. Glad everyone is doing well. That is always good news.

    The snowdrops look pretty and so spring like.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  2. Glad all is well Friko and pleased that the folk at Bishop's Castle care enough to keep their bollards warm.

    Take it easy in the garden and enjoy its beauty.

    Anna :o]

  3. They have done that knitting thing in BC for years, I have the joy of looking at these things a couple of times a week.....

  4. Glad Millie is healing well.
    It is cold and snow flakes here by the woods.
    I am so ready for Spring.
    A few buttercups blooming and that is all.
    Good news
    my special daughter just landed and emailed her mom from Washington
    after being in Africa for a week.
    Will be home about midnight.
    I will sleep tonight knowing she is hours from home....

  5. I am so ready for garden time. The neighbor's snowdrops are up and my bulbs are sprouting. However, I am going to wait for some warmer weather to start the cleanup. I am not ready for an aching back yet. However, this week I will plant a few flats of pansies in my large pots. Seeing their beautiful faces will spur me on.

    Take care of yourself and remember that you don't have to rush into everything right away. We have the whole spring ahead of us.

  6. I don't think the regrowth itches. Georgia has had some experience and Rufus before her, plenty. I don't remember them scratching madly. Your snowdrops, our rain *sigh* We get guerrilla knit bombers too. In the dark of the night, lamp posts and tree trunks get warm in winter. I love them.

  7. Glad to hear that all is well with everyone, Friko!

  8. Good to hear your good news. I like the pub name of The White Horse and I read the Martha Grimes series which features a different old fashioned pub in each book.

  9. nice....i like the knitted graffiti there in the end....and the white horse looks like a cool place to be....and great news on the pups....

  10. Nice to hear Miss Millie is good to go - like she is officially ready for a Spring romp.

    Enjoyed seeing the bollard all snug and cozy. We call that "yarn bombing" here and perhaps elsewhere? Last summer while driving through Whitehorse in the Yukon, we saw an large airplane encased in a knitted garment. I think people who knit (and I include myself) are as obsessed as we who quilt. I sure don't know where the term "yarn bombing" originated

  11. Wonderful sweep of snowdrops!

  12. glad for Miss Millie
    and glad the visiting AMeircans are well cared for
    ...and you happy that you up and around in the garden....
    good for the soul

  13. Glad to hear that all is going well for you and yours. Both of my cats have had large patches shaved for surgery and neither of them seemed to be in any discomfort with regrowth. Then again cat fur isn't coarse like dog hair might be. I hope she does just fine.

  14. Warm winds promised, snow drops, guests moved on, and dear Millie on the med. BLISS!
    It would seem the prayers of one's blog friends avail MUCH!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° > <3
    > < } } ( ° >
    > < 3 3 3 ( ' >

  15. I'm so glad that Millie is well on her way to recovery and that you're feeling better, too. I love these first signs of spring!

  16. Good news from you is very good news. I'm glad you all are doing better. I love, love, love the snowdrops. I would so love to see these in bloom. We don't have these wonderful little flowers in my part of the world.

  17. If you normally begin garden work in February, you are a good two months ahead of us here in the New World Berkshires. Our snowdrops won't be blooming for another few weeks and the ground won't be ready to work till early April.

    Glad you all are on the mend and ready for spring breezes. Waft them my way, please!

  18. What a delightful post. I am so glad that Millie is doing well, and that you are doing well enought to be out in the garden. The snow drops are a delight, and I love the yarn-bombed bollard.

  19. How absolutely wonderful to hear that Millie's lumps are harmless! And yes I do believe she will itch a tiny bit as the wound heals and the hair grows.
    I believe we sport "many" White HOrse pubs here as well.
    Spring is on its way Friko!!

  20. I love a happy ending :-)

  21. Hooray for you and hooray for Millie and hooray for glorious snowdrops!

  22. Hi Friko - so pleased all is well .. I've been missing out on the recent visitors and Millie's 'accident' .. thank goodness for good food, and excellent vets ... have a happy weekend .. cheers Hilary

  23. Friko, from what I know, dogs are the original 'old soldier who never says die'. May Millie be healed.
    The snowdrops are gorgeous, to me, like ice-cream, but here I am in a sunburnt land.

  24. It is good to hear good news coming from your household!! I am so glad and Millie has healed nicely.
    It is still freezing around no garden playing yet.

  25. Sounds like Spring is in the air and the rebirth of life, love and happiness. (This is where I'm supposed to insert some kind of smart-alec remark but for the life of me I can't think of one.) Peace.

  26. Leuk het breiwerk om de paal,die heeft het niet koud meer.

  27. What beautiful snowdrops! Spring is on the way, I can see little buds everywhere, and the crocuses are popping up. So glad to hear that everyone is on the mend and that you are puttering in the garden already. :-)

  28. Friko,

    So happy things are going well for you and yours.

    The picture of The White Horse Pub reminded me of when we were visiting there across the pond. I took photos of pub signs and we actually ate at a White Horse pub once (but there are probably beaucoup of them around the UK). My mother-in-law and I have both had a 'white horse' running through our dreams at some time or other...

  29. Glad everything is turning out well ... but I'm jealous of your warm, spring-like weather!

  30. All's well and the sun is shining. :-) Let's hope some warmth comes with it soon.

    I wonder whether they sewed the sock in place? Knitting stretches, but not as much as that.

  31. Good news on the dog - and yes I imagine it does itch like crazy! It's great that you are getting weather warm eough to garden. We're in a little cold snap, but more Spring on the way!

  32. you are warming up way up there and we are have a late season cold front come through. Supposed to get down in the 30s tonight. but things are blooming away here and one more cold front keeps summer at bay a little longer. glad all are well at your house.

  33. Oh, my! They yarn-bombed the parking meter! A group recently did this to all the trees in our horticulture garden at the U. Looked very cheery in the snow!

    I'm so glad that both you and Millie are much improved, that there is time and occasion for a stop at the pub and you are seeing such signs of springs as snowdrops everywhere. It makes me think there is hope for the snowy world of Michigan sometime soon!

  34. The snowdrops are so beautiful! Today, we've had the very first sunny day in about four weeks; everyone who was able to went out on the fields. RJ and I walked for hours in the sun; it was still cold but we simply HAD to be out there! Snowdrops in people's gardens here, too, but not as abundant as the ones in your garden.
    So good to know Millie is well, and you are feeling well enough to do some gardening, too.

  35. I was very emotional seeing those snowdrops, Friko, winter has been soooo long. Love the knitted bits on the bollard!!
    Glad all is well at your End.

  36. Glad you're all on the mend. The Secret Society of Bollard Clothers have been at work in Oswestry too,apparently - where's it all going to end :)

  37. All is well if Millie is well.~Mary

  38. Hooray, hooray! Ah, and the snowdrops, how lovely to see them. You're 4 or more weeks ahead of us here, if I remember rightly. Still, it's March now, so soon!

  39. ...a very satisfying post. I am so glad Millie's lumps have resolved. Happy snowdrops!

  40. IN spite of my tendency to wax poetic over snow hereabouts, it is snowdrops I am yearning Friko. Yours are such a sweet spot of spring. Good to hear every one is well.

  41. LOOK at those snowdrops! And I'm so glad that all's well.

  42. ooooohhh, I want some snowdrops! So glad you are doing better. There's nothing like having spring on the horizon to inspire us.

  43. Oh how lovely to see signs of spring - and yarn bombing! I believe they actually sew the knitted piece in place in situ.

  44. I had to look up what a bollard was. I am very glad someone is seeing to the importance of keeping them warm.

    The snowdrops! Spring is getting close!

  45. Glad to hear the happy endings, especially about Millie. Going through the bitterly cold winter days, we will surely meet spring as your snowdrops show. “There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature--the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.” (Rachel Carson)


  46. Did you check to see if the bollard cozy was stitched in place?

    Snowdrops up here, several kinds...tall and short. They are spreadiing nicely. I love the small bulbs. Dianne

  47. good to see things returning to normal for you

  48. Dear Friko, I'm relieved to learn that all is well with Millie. Like you, I've wondered about the itching when one of the cats with whom I've lived has had stitches. I try to scratch a little around the healed area. Just in case. Peace.

  49. Hallo Friko,
    um etwas im Garten zu machen, war es noch relativ kalt (Samstag Sonne aber kalt, heute wieder diese trübe Wolkenmasse). Soll aber nächste Woche wärmer werden. Der Ort sieht sehr hübsch aus (siehe zweites Foto). Erinnert mich ein wenig an diejenigen Orte, die man bei Inspektor Barnaby sieht.

    Grüße Dieter

  50. i love the bank of snowdrops. Thank you.

  51. I love snow drops so much. I can never find them here. There are some but very well hidden. Glad the visit went okay and that Millie is just fine.


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