The delightful Christine, who plays with the seasons and much else in a most erudite, gentle and delicious manner at Lockwood , on the other side of the world to me, has seen fit to award the Versatile Blogger honour to my humble blog, for which many thanks. I know I have this great, unfriendly and stand-offish sign installed in my comments box, which says "Keep out, I'm busy", when it comes to awards, but sometimes, much against my will, the kinder, friendlier side of my nature takes over; it has done so on this occasion and the credit is all yours, dear Christine from Oz.
Nothing comes for nothing, there are, of course, rules attached to this award, but I am a rule breaker by nature - as well as unfriendly and selfish - so I will choose that part of the honour which allows me to indulge the 'me-me-me' side, and throw the other rule open to the four winds, namely: anybody of the many blogs I follow with such great pleasure may appropriate the award and do likewise, i.e. inform the blog world of seven things about themselves, which they haven't already shared with the rest of us. If you could make it sensational, that would be good. Go on, I dare you.
I was expelled from my first grammar school - probably because of my parents' political activities - and accepted by a more academic school, which caused no end of trouble.
In any kind of social event (here at Valley's End) I gravitate automatically to groups of men rather than women. I don't choose to do so deliberately, it just happens. Sometimes wives throw a cautious look in my direction. There's absolutely no need for them to do so.
I am literally terrified of loud noises and men or women fighting. I will never ever stand and gawp in a crowd, but run as fast as I can from any trouble.
I have a photograph of me standing next to the President of India in his state apartments, and while I'm showing off . . . . . .
. . . . . I might as well tell you that I have had a very jolly and animated conversation with the Prince of Wales on the lawns at Buckingham Palace.
I haven't sung for years. When I married Beloved, who got paid for listening to and accompanying the most perfect voices on earth, I felt too embarrassed to sing in his hearing. Before then, I sang anywhere and always.
My favourite books are the kind which describe gloomy, dark and bleak lives. Scandinavians, for preference. And not just the thrillers.
Some of these might repay further attention; come to think of it, do I see a blogpost or two coming on? As I said earlier, if any of you whom I follow would like to accept this award for your blogs, please do so. You don't even have to refer back to me.
While I'm at it in a sort of general way, I'd like to address several of my commenters who do not leave a forwarding bloglink and also belong to the no-reply-emailers. Sometimes you leave such sweet comments that I'd like at least to thank you. Unless you make yourselves available digitally, I can't do so. If you read this, know that your comments are appreciated.
Congrats on your award. And it was so nice getting to know you better. I enjoyed this very much.
Synchronicity at work again here, Friko, for I have just published on my blog EIGHTEEN sensational things about me you didn't know before! Can you resist taking a peek..?
ReplyDeleteAnd re. your list of seven, very interesting, and no. 2 doesn't surprise me in the least!
ReplyDeletekicked out of school for political affiliations...just scratching my head on that one....congrats on the award friko
ReplyDeleteOoo...interesting! I should have passed on the 7 links to you months back but I was too scared to.
ReplyDeleteSuch proximity to famous people. Are you a celebrity of sorts yourself? Just asking ;p
#7 - the bleaker, the better.
Have a great Easter weekend, Friko and Benno! 4 days off, like us, no doubt? :) x
We have number three in common - definitely! :-)
ReplyDeleteVery interesting tidbits about you, Friko. I always enjoy any comments you leave on my blogs, and it always makes me smile that such a well-known person has visited me! :-)
ReplyDeleteThere has to be some very interesting stories behind these facts. I'd love to hear them.
ReplyDeleteAnd I think it's sad that you opted to silence your singing voice though I'd probably be the same way.
A question only a colonist could ask... who is the Price of Wales? Is that Phillip or Charles? Would love to hear about your conversation, especially if it's Charles. I admire his support of global sustainability.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the difference between a grammar and academic school?
ReplyDeleteInteresting that your famous people are also men...I'm inclined to enjoy men's conversations too - when they aren't about sports.
Some time ago, someone was kind enough to award me with the "Versatile Blogger Award", too, but mine looks different - not a cup like yours, but a green background with black writing on it.
ReplyDeleteSince I could not decide who to choose from the many versatile bloggers whose blogs I read regularly, I simply broke that rule and awarded it to everyone - they are ALL versatile in the topics they write about.
I'm with you on the loud noises, crowds and fighting - I'm out of there, fast!
ReplyDeleteAlso with you on the attraction to bleak stories - love Danish and Swedish films and have just watched the 31st episode of the Danish Rejseholdet (sp?) which is delicious.
I sing all the time - too bad for those who don't like it!
Nice to know you a tiny bit better.
I enjoyed reading this, Friko. I can't decide, though, which I enjoyed more: the seven facts or your preamble.
ReplyDeleteHow splendid to be offered such an award and, despite what you say,'unfriendly and selfish', which we do not believe for a minute, to accept in this very generous and gracious manner and which, in so doing, gives us all a little further insight into the character of the Friko who has become so much a part of our lives in the Blogosphere.
And how wonderful is that.
an excellent list of seven.
ReplyDeleteI love when you visit me. :)
ReplyDeleteYou have peaked my interest with most of these "facts". Yes...more blogging with detail may be in order...please. ;)
Have not been in blogland for a while and coming back to your 7 things is a real treat. How good it would be to hear the stories behind the facts.
ReplyDeleteWell deserved oh Friendly Friko!
ReplyDeleteI share with you an expulsion from school.
Lovely post!
I enjoyed learning more about the interesting person who is you!
ReplyDeleteSo, about item 5, of course I'm dying to know about what.
ReplyDeleteAnd about 7: Hope you'll indicate a book or two.
Yes, I see several blog post topics here . . .
Congrats., and while I didn't know any of those 7 things, based on your many posts, I'm not surprised at any of them. But I do wonder ... what were your parents' political activities that got you kicked out of school? (Hope I'm not being nosy, but, er ... you brought it up.)
ReplyDeleteCongrats! I suppose you have read Halldor Laxness if you like bleak and gloomy. Now I feel I must reveal some of myself. Well, maybe later...
ReplyDeleteThis is a great list of seven things about you. I was not surprised to read #2. I am very much the same way.
ReplyDeleteI always am interested in learning more about you, and I bet deep down inside the Prince of Wales felt the same way.
Since Sightings was brave enough to inquire about your parents' political leanings, I'll second the question.
ReplyDeleteInteresting stuff, Friko. Possibilities for blog fodder abound.
Concratulations upon this award.
ReplyDeleteInteresting seven indeed. Can't remember when last I finished reading a book.
Please have you all a good Friday.
Well done....you are the reason I started blogging in the first place!!
ReplyDeleteJust trying to think of 7 things that I may want people to know about me!....don't want to give away too much
A very interesting heart-to-heart with your readers. I'm glad that you gravitate towards men at a gathering. My best friends [females] have always done the same. Your final missive shows just how much that you care for your readers. My hat's off to you, Friko!
ReplyDeleteThis was fun! Very interesting tidbits, though #6 made me a wee bit sad. It reminded me of how much I used to love to sing, but my first husband didn't care for my singing, and eventually I quit. (not the same reason as you, but loosely related :) Anyway, I am now married to a man who can barely sing, I mean, really is pretty toneless. But, when he sings it makes me smile because I think it's cool that he doesn't care! And, now I sing again! (of course, I sing much better than him . . . I think!)
ReplyDeleteYes, we want our commentors to know how much we enjoy and appreciate their words!
ReplyDeleteAloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
I'm glad you bent your own rule enough to accept this award, Friko, thus giving us some interesting new glimpses of your life. I like the way you subverted its rules at the same time, something I recently did, with an award I was given. Rule breaking can be fun. :-)
ReplyDeleteAlways edifying to read the bits one often keeps under wraps. Though none surprise me, they all delight me. And you tell them with such humor - reading here is a great pleasure.
ReplyDeleteFriko, having been away for a while, I've just had the treat of catching up on your recent posts.
ReplyDeleteThe Age of Aquarius continues to give a very clear view of a certain time and place. I can see George very clearly. I can also appreciate your shock at the theft.
The man nesting is a priceless image.
Your magnificent seven revelations just add a bit more to the portrait I have of you, and continue to make me think that we will have a fine time chatting when we do meet. Even if there are some men within hearing distance!
I thought about nominating you but you got it before I could pass it on.
ReplyDeleteI can tell you're a rebel (lol).
Also, I would like to know the difference between the grammar and academic school.
I read this post yesterday, and forgot to leave a comment. I had copied the "Award" and thought perhaps I could come up with seven things I had not covered in my blog, but I am skepticsl that I can. You have such an interesting past. I knew you were musical, just was not sure how. Dianne
ReplyDeleteThree and Seven: we have these in common...
Ah, we have the 'bleak books' as a common there. Loved the list, very interesting!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the award! Love learning seven new and inspiring things about you. Such fun!
ReplyDeleteSo fun and insightful to be able to get to know you better, Friko. I love you attitude and ability to throw caution to the wind and make up your own rules. Bravo.
ReplyDeleteWell, given number 1, it's no surprise you're a rule breaker. More fun that way, anyhow!
ReplyDeletePhotos for 4 and 5, please. And details, goshdarnit. ;)
Hi Friko - great post .. and I hope we have one or two more spinning out from #4 and #5 ..
ReplyDeleteAgree with the rest of your thoughts - but singing .. never! Dreadful .. but a pity you don't do it much anymore ..
Happy Easter around the Valley - cheers Hilary
Congratulations on your award! Very interesting facts. Cheers! Ruby
ReplyDeleteAdd me to the list of those who like the bleak and dark Scandinavian stuff. Why do we like this?
ReplyDeleteAlso, I hate the fighting between men and women, and anyone else. so I avoid most reality shows, and have abandoned friendships...all in the name of Peace.
Am always glad to know more about you...and glad you got the award :)
ReplyDeleteFrico, congratulations!
ReplyDeleteInteresting blog, nice photos.
if you feel like singing - sing. I'm sure beloved will be supportive
ReplyDeleteThankyou for the lovely comments about me... I have never thought of myself as erudite... but then again...
ReplyDeleteit is interesting to learn how others see one.
The seven things to learn about you are just wonderful to know. Isn't it all about the beauty of being human, being interested enough to learn about other people? BTW I must thank you for your comment and words about my aunt Betty. They were a great comfort to me, and to my extended family.
Friko, you really are a literate soul, are you not? You write so well! I shall enjoy exploring your blogs! ":)
ReplyDeleteThe Prince of Wales and you! I love it.
ReplyDeleteI don't sing either, and I'm married to a musician. It doesn't bother me that I don't sing, but it has bothered other people. What's up with that? I don't know.
I'm diagnosing a split personality here, Friko! I see we share an aversion of loud noises, but I don't think I've ever had a conversation with anyone famous.
ReplyDeleteI love lists, especially of such fascinating tidbits of personal information. Okay, so I am nosy.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on well deserved recognition.
Du bist so bescheiden..! Ich freue mich, dass auch so viele andere (und grossartige) Leute Dein Blog sehr schätzen. Ich war lange nicht hier, war viel unterwegs und hoffe, nächstes Wochenende schreiben zu können. Viele liebe Grüsse und ja, ich schreibe doch bald!
It's always interesting to learn a little more about other bloggers. Well done:-)
ReplyDeleteFascinating - and intriguing. Each one leaves the reader asking for more explanation.
ReplyDeleteExpelled from school because of one's parents' politics - in West Germany?
I must say, of the many of these I've read, I've found more to relate to in your listing than is usual.
ReplyDeleteI had to laugh at your expulsion from grammar school. I was fired from my first job with Southwestern Bell. I was a "service representative" trainee, in the days when information was written on sheets of paper with grids. One letter, one numeral per grid - and no going out side the lines. I couldn't stay inside the lines, so I was fired. Not much different than grammar school, eh?
It is possible to tell, this :) exception to the rules
ReplyDeleteYou are so fun and I hope these do lead to blog posts... quite interesting!