Friday, 15 April 2011

Thank You


there was sadness and tears.

thanks to the kind words of my friends,

the sparkle is back.

If we could banish dark thoughts,
and always stay on the sunny side of life,

we'd all be as carefree as the humble dandelion.


  1. Sparkles are good. Dandelions are pretty. Have a happy weekend, Friko :)

  2. I'm so glad you're feeling better again. These moods strike and, eventually, pass.
    Thank God.

  3. einfach alles ist hier schön, das "Innen" und das "Aussen"...!

    Ich wünsche Dir eine gute Nacht und gute Träume!


  4. ich kenne diese Zustände auch sehr gut und freue mich, dass es Dir heute wieder besser ging ... Ich will gar nicht darüber spekulieren, ob es der Frühling mit seinen klimatischen Umstellungen oder sonstwelche Ursachen sind .. hauptsache es geht Dir wieder besser.

    ganz liebe Grüße und ein wundervolles Wochenende,

  5. Rain - liquide sunshine.

    daily athens

  6. Very good Friko – let the sunshine in.

  7. Friko -- I've been away for a month, just got back today, so I had to look back to find out what you had written. I am horrified by the emotional abuse mentioned in your previous post. No one should ever have to suffer that sort of comparison. It is terribly, terribly wrong, and should be illegal.
    Your writing is beautiful. It is delightful. And it is also wonderful, because English isn't your first language.
    I'm glad you're feeling better. Those dark nights of the soul can sometimes make us appreciate the light when it comes on again.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  8. I'm glad you're back to you. :)

  9. very appropriate photos and blog. Now some sunshine please!

  10. I just read your previous entry, and can only say that your beautiful, honest writing shines through, and that your readers have left some of the best comments I've seen.
    I have just finished a novel, a ghost story,in which the two protagonists both lost siblings during childhood. It was an ok book (in the Country of the Young, Lisa Carey) but I now wonder if you might not be equipped to write a much better book.

  11. Beautifully said; beautifully illustrated. Truth sparkles in your writing, in darkness and in sunshine.

  12. Oh blessings Friko...and a quiet night of refreshing sleep to you....

  13. Good for you! Love the dandelion!

  14. Blessings to you and big hugs

  15. you give me the courage of my own moods

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral




  16. You are often the sparkle in my day. Shine on!

  17. Remember the warmth of the dandelion, the sparkle of the water and the comments today. Dwell in this space when the childhood memories resurface. Lock the childhood pain away and think of shining on, of hugs, of courage, of sparkles and smiles, of everything that is written here. Dwell in smiles and sunshine. You can do it. =D

  18. I hate feeling down too but have finally come to understand that we can't appreciate the highs without the lows.

  19. Yay! So glad the sun has returned! Loads of hugs!

    Anna :o]

  20. Heartening to see the color and sparkle is back in your mood and writing, banishing those blue meanies, at least for a while. I guess we can't have one without the other, can we?

  21. You do sparkle well. :) Shine on.

  22. I missed yesterday's post, Friko, but I have gone back to read it before commenting here. I wish I'd been there to comfort you then, but as I'm late, I hope you will still glean some comfort from my words, are so articulate, you write so beautifully and directly from the heart, so authentically. It shocked me to read that you suffer from a low self-esteem, as being new here, I had no idea at all!

    I know so many of us are our own worst critics and we often learn, far too late in life, to ease up on ourselves, but it's far worse when those who were entrusted to care for us and raise us to adulthood, fail to do their duty by us, by loving us completely and unconditionally for who we are! I am so sad to learn that this was your early experience and that you have internalised it your whole life!

    It is good to know you are working through this with a therapist and I hope fervently that you have a 'breakthrough' when it all becomes clear to you and you can let it all go!


    Des xoxo

  23. I love your words and photos. Stay well, dear Friko :)

  24. wheeeee, so glad the sun's come out again, Friko.

  25. I am always touched (and humbled) by the honesty some people share through their writings.

  26. My Dandelions do not tremble in fear as I approach, trowel in hand. In fact they remain upright and still as they lay uprooted across my hand. Dandelions are tough little critters. And they smile a lot. Di

  27. Good to see that you're feeling better !

  28. You are just an empath, dear one,
    and somewhere there was pain and
    suffering and your soul magnets
    absorbed it, dropping you down
    into shadow for a time, and as the
    sun returned, as the dandelion shook
    itself with Valley's End warmth,
    the shadows were sent packing;
    and you should be joyful to know
    you eased someone else's burden,
    brought a smile, made a heart skip.

  29. Friko~ If that feeling returns, try to shake it off as quickly as you can. Remember the sunny dandelion! Much love, Margaret P.

  30. Something as mundane as raindrops on water can make a magnificent picture. I've made a lot of dandelion flower wine. I juice the leaves and I dry the roots for various cures. Nothing wasted. Life is simple.

  31. Oh, Friko.
    " an angel"?
    Thank YOU!

  32. Good to see that you feel better ;-)

  33. Liebe Friko, herzlichen Dank für deinen netten Kommentar. Es freut mich, dass dir mein Blog gefällt und ich hoffe, du schaust noch öfter hinein. Ich bin froh, sprichst du deutsch :-)
    Du hast schöne Fotos und viel Text.

    Höhen und Tiefen kennen alle Menschen, die einen mehr und die anderen weniger. Sie sind Gegensätze (wie du auf deine Fotos zeigst) wie Regen und Sonne - Licht und Schatten.
    Es gehört zum Mensch sein.

    Ich wünsche dir eine gute Nacht und Morgen einen sonnigen Tag.
    Herzliche Grüsse

  34. I have just read your previous post and I'm glad the black dog has gone away. I only know you from your writing but you always strike me as extremely capable and intelligent, and a child that would have been a delight. Grief does strange things to people and can damage the living, too.

  35. Wonderful images here as a tribute to your introspection.


Comments are good, I like to know what you think of my posts. I know you'll keep it civil.