Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Misty Morning in September

Even the sun will have its work cut out
this morning.
Burning a hole through this murk
will be a hard task.

There is no world beyond the
garden hedge.

Inside the garden colours are muted,
all sounds are dimmed.
There is a chill in the air,
a warning sign of things to come.

But not just yet,

The first rays of the morning sun strike 
the beech tree, which lights up in gratitude.

So does my heart.
Another day's grace.


  1. Beautiful and other worldly. A little 'Twilight Zone' music please.

  2. Let's hope we can keep these mornings and the lovely balmy temperatures a few days longer.
    Lovely blog.

  3. The fog has its particular, mysterious attraction, yet everything responds, as you say, with gratitude to the light.

    Enjoyed the pics and accompanying text Friko.

  4. More than text, it be
    pregnant prose, with
    pungent shards of poetry
    too. How ironic that on
    this misty foggy morning
    here in the Northwest,
    'alf a globe from your
    garden, from your hedge
    and Beech tree, we are
    having the same moment,
    as I peer over the deck
    and cannot see my silver
    Zukeman SUV just beyond
    the fence of our back yard,
    and the ancient maple tree
    next door rises up into the
    mist like Jack's magic beanstalk,
    and only the fog gods know
    what's atop the haze.
    Love your words, and your
    heart, and your garden.

  5. We've not had any fog here as yet. Your photos are lovely.

  6. I really liked this sequence of photographs, particularly as it ended with some sunshine!

  7. what a lovely Season Song, Friko!

    Warm Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral
    (hint hint :)

  8. wunderschöne Bilder und Dein wunderschöner Garten! Mystisch und erhaben. Wie freu ich mich, dies zu sehen!

  9. Very nicely put. Great tree. I'm waiting for the tree in next door's garden to go red (that's all I know ... it goes red ... I have no name for you or anything). I can look at this red tree for ages out of my bedroom window. And it matches our duvet cover, which is an added bonus.

  10. Nice turned sentences, Friko. I have not seen any fog since I left the north Norwegian coast last month. I would welcome a chill in the air, but here the air is still, moist and very hot.

  11. No need to see beyond the hedge when what's in front of it is so lovely! I was there and shivered....

  12. Beautiful photos - love the mist and then the light on the tree as the sun wins out.
    It's beautiful here, today, as summer hangs on by her fingernails.

  13. Wie schön muss es sein bei dir in deinem Garten atmen zu dürfen !

    daily athens

  14. Our recent early jaunts out near the coast have had the air filled with the same kind of misty fog... It's been wonderful, peaceful, belonging.

    Then yesterday evening, when I was taking one of the dogs for a short walk... our usual dry, warm canyon air was filling with the same misty fog as if we were near the coast. Loved it, but it created such a strange, mysterious feeling... found it odd.

  15. Lovely words and pictures. I'm reminded of lines from C.S. Lewis's THAT HIDEOUS STRENGTH where a character says, 'We both like Weather -- all sorts -- a useful thing in England.' (paraphasing)

  16. Once again your words and photos re so beautiful.

  17. What a lovely place you have, Friko. I've seen you around too, and I don't know why I haven't come before now. Thank you for your kind response to my interview with Bonnie. I look forward to yours next week, and to getting to know you.

  18. There is no world beyond the
    garden hedge. Beautiful and evocative, especially with the photo.

  19. I was going to comment on this but then I got distracted. This really says something to me. I'm so grateful for each morning. Roll back the mist and let's get on with another day!!!! These shots must hae taken patience.

  20. We were close and silent under the same mist and then bright under the same sun! Today it is simply pouring down.

  21. Your photographs in the morning mist are lovely--though I understand the longing for the mist to break and let in the sun. Lovely post.

  22. And who would want a 'world beyond the hedge' when it all appears to be such a lovely fairyland on THIS side?
    Thanks, Friko.


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