Friday, 23 July 2010

Found Out!

The Crime
Love in the Afternoon

The Scene of Crime

A Bed in a Room under the Eaves, 
Flooded by Sunlight

The Evidence
Sheets Disturbed in Wild Abandon
And Left Exposed to the Eyes of the Accuser

The Accused
 Repeat Offenders,
Unlikely and Unwilling to Show Remorse, 
Therefore Likely to Re-Offend
At any Time.

The Punishment
A Life Sentence

Mag 24


  1. As they say 'don't to the crime if you can't do the time'.
    I say 'bring on the sentence'!

  2. You are so right about the life sentence ... one should never go there! Great Magpie!

  3. Oh lordie that was sweet!
    no rumpled sheets in the writer
    no rumpled sheets in the reader

  4. Life sentences are WONDERFUL - if they are with the right person! :-)

  5. A life sentence indeed, so much can be read into just that. Loved it.

  6. Clever take on the prompt, Friko!

  7. nice nice nice friko!!! funny and sad and crazy-making 'cause you know this happens more often than not! steven

  8. A home-invasion! You certainly captured the invasion of privacy!

  9. well done, stranger :)

    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral

  10. Love in the afternoon – how could that be a crime?

  11. Conjures up all sorts of memories - nice post!

  12. Bravo!! I love these! Is there room in the nest for me too?

    I laughed when I saw the title on my dashboard, followed only by 'The in the afternoon'. Earlier this week I was contemplating what I could do with something that an old friend once said about a woman she knew... 'C'est une fille qui n'a jamais fait l'amour l'après midi'

    The other thing that occured to me was that your appointment today had something to do with this....

  13. yep that about sums it all up...very nicely done!

  14. You made me immediately think of 'Same Time Next Year' a play I truly love. Thank you!

  15. WOW! i never encountered such a stark piece.. i really love the form-- original and unsentimental.

    - noiseless patient spider

  16. wonderful post! Especially the life sentence!!

  17. Well, not everyone gets a life sentence...some are released on patrol...I mean parole.

  18. What a brilliant post...! I love the structural humour of it. You're a joy to follow, Friko.

  19. ...and no one hit their head on the wall?
    Can't be my house!

  20. A life sentence is not always a bad thing. ;) I liked this different format. Mines a bit different this tie around, too.

  21. so solltest Du öfters posten, Friko! Und von wegen, nichts von einem Amateur, kann ich hier finden! Du bist so bescheiden..!
    Da Du aber im übertragenen Sinne über "crime" sprichst und ich die Stimmung und die Schönheit Deines Schreibens immer geniesse, habe ich daran gedacht, dass ich mir gerade die englischen Filme (crime!) so gerne ansehe. Sicher wirst Du "Morse" und "Lewis" kennen - und das sehr interessante und schön intellektuelle Oxford?!

  22. A life sentence... I love! :)

  23. Where are those lovers now?

    Reminded me of lines from a poem by Lawrence Durrell

    "Rice powder on a sleeve, and two dead pillows
    the telephone shook and shook
    but could not wake."

  24. Love what you did with this Magpie! Brilliantly different! Witty, fun, and true!

  25. nice style and I am glad he got caught and life...great magpie...bkm

  26. Hooray! You did not write about death! This was refreshing. Very nice.

  27. Man, that sounds like the judgment of my story!

  28. Riveting. Stark discovery and sentence.

  29. Dear Friko: If Love is a Crime, I'll be sentenced to everyday love in the afternoon! Beats conjugal visits! Very Creative juices here! Fun!

  30. A sentence that one must say yes to..

  31. Friko, I knew that you'd posted several times and I wanted to read your words, yet did not have enough time. I waited until my eyes were not tired and my head was not clogged up by daily build up.

    How glad I am to have waited.

    The hedgehog tale is great reporting of how you and your gardener are again working together to save a life. The pictures are perfect. I wonder if hedgehogs carry memories.

    The poem about stepping out of the line took my mind to many memories.

    This life sentence post has taken my mind to many other kinds of memories.

    Thank you for your fine writing. Again, you've got me thinking about some future conversations I do hope we shall have.

    Best wishes.

  32. How life affirming. How imaginative. How sensual.
    Lovely work.

  33. unforgettable,
    you have done an excellent job...
    intriguing tale!

  34. Forty Comments for this little effort!

    And I thought I'd have to produce something deep and meaningful to get you all to leave your friendly appreciation.

    Thank You.

  35. Life sentence! That's wonderful.

  36. A quick moving and fantastic account of our deepest indiscretions.


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