Saturday, 19 September 2009

Autumn Colours

Autumn colours are well on their way to a spectacular display already; I am amazed at how dominant the reds, yellows and browns already are.

This Virginia Creeper covers the white wall of a neighbour's cottage.

A plantain growing in the field by the castle.

The horse chestnut in the paddock.

Elderberries ready for picking to make elderberry wine.

The red berries of the cotoneaster growing on an ancient stone wall.

How could I resist this view of a harvested field, the blue hills of
Shropshire in the background and branches of hawthorn with their
red berries in the foreground.

all photos can be enlarged.


  1. Friko: These are simply stunning Fall photographs. And the last shot of the English countryside is to live for . . .

    :) Hope you are well.

  2. Wonderful photographs, particularly the last one for me! The colours are amazing up here too.

  3. So pretty. Spectacular colors.

  4. The photos are beautiful. We are not there yet. It will be into October before Ky. is that beautiful. I love the berries most of all.

  5. Very beautiful.

    Autumn in Australia is the season where we breathe a sigh of relief, thankful that we got through another awful summer! A time to sit back, relax, enjoy the colour, the cooler weather and look forward to winter.

    Lovely post.

  6. friko - so beautiful - especially the shropshire field. oh my. thanks. steven

  7. I've never seen so much flame in fall foliage! And so many different species! These photos are magnificent! They remind me of the Bronte movies that have been so popular these past few years. Oh, in New York tonight is the new John Keats bio called Bright Star! I'll wait until it hits New Jersey, but I am looking forward to it! xx

  8. too good for words.
    thank you so much for bringing me back home, at least in mind. three years ago I had me five red leaves flown in from Germany, ever since on the wall behind glass. thanks once again. a wonderful, colour filled weekend for you.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Oh, Friko, these gorgeous photos make me long for fall, for cooler temperatures, for soup on the stove, for the smell of fires burning in the fireplace and long cozy evenings. Here, we still have to wait a while. The fig tree is losing its leaves, but the temperatures still reach 30 degrees almost every day! Soon... A big hug, Silke

  11. Well Friko, I am now doubly determined to take a long walk in Central Park before the end of the next week. Your photos are so beautiful, and I so love the contrast of the reddening leaves against the lingering green majority.


  12. What fab photos. We only commented yesterday how quickly the leaves were turning. I just love the autumn colours of nature. A x

  13. I love the picture of the plantain. So nice.

  14. Your photos are a reminder (aas if I needed any!) of why autumn is my favourite season, closely followed by spring. Look at those colours! I could bathe in them. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  15. Fall is my favorite season, so I thoroughly enjoyed my meander through your neighbourhood. We have few trees here that turn scarlet - one of the very few things I miss from eastern Canada. We too have cotoneaster, but we call it Knick-knick here, from the Salish.

  16. Bonnie - thank you and yes, thank you, I am.
    elizabethm - We are indeed lucky.
    Lucy - thanks,
    QMM - Thanks, hope Ky will perform for you.
    Alaine - awful summer? do you know what it's like here?
    steven - The Shropshire Hills are very English, pleasant and peaceful.
    Margaret - you sound like an anglophile, are you?
    robert - I expect you miss Herbstfarben where you are.
    Jenn Jilks - sadly it does, perhaps we should appreciate each season as it comes.
    Silke - Oh no, your temperatures would not suit me at all, I can't even go back to Germany in the summer.
    frances - and I hope you will the pictures of your walk.
    Wipso - it is early this year. something to do with the rain we've had?
    Prospero - thank you, praise from the master.
    Cuban - How is Hyde Park, any colour yet?
    Pondside - we have no scarlet trees either. You'll have to explain "Salish" knick-knick?

  17. I still think everything is beautiful on this page. They had taken a sample of tissue when Mike had his surgery just to be sure and the test came back and it has spread to one lymph node for sure. He will be having chemo and we all are just hoping
    that one node is all that is affected. His surgeon was even surprised. We don't give up but it just took us by surprise.

  18. Wow, that horse chestnut is something else. I mean, I realise it's a horse chestnut, not actually something else. By something else, I mean it's really something else. Oh, bum. You know what I mean. Or do I mean something else? ............ I think it's time for bed.

  19. Hello friko

    that last photo is idyllic - the England we all visualize when we read Northern hemisphere romantic poetry...

    Happy days

  20. Lucy - thank you. and don't worry too much just yet, as you say, there's always hope.

    Fran Hill - yes, I think I do ...... night night

    Delwyn - it isn't always like this, you know, but days like this make up for the grey misery.

  21. Very beautiful. Loving the colours Friko and thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.


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