Wednesday 11 February 2009

Town & Country and a bit of Culture

The thaw continues, the courtyard is almost free of ice, driving is again possible.
I met with some German speaking friends in the local town to read and discuss the Heinrich Boell Erzaehlung "Die blasse Anna" over tea and biscuits; like so many of Boell's stories there is great sadness and a feeling of hopelessness about the tale.  Boell appears to be one of the few German authors whose work is well known among literary Brits.

A bit of much needed grocery shopping in the pretty little town, which still has many individual shops selling good quality, non-mass produced goods, followed. Ludlow is  famous for its restaurants and its markets selling produce from the surrounding areas. Come for a visit!! Alas, the dreaded Tesco has managed to get its foot in the door here too.

Today's social outing was a pleasant lunch with neighbours.  After a glass of wine or two we feel quite ready to discuss and bemoan the dire state of the economy;  it seems to be the fashion to moan.

"A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it."
Oh, Bob Hope, if only!!

A visit to the ballet "The Russian State Ballet & Orchestra of Siberia" performing "The Nutcracker" last week provided the bit of culture; I went on my own - that is with a coachload of other people (how are the mighty fallen). The Scraper has played it too many times to want to pay money to see it. We probably didn't get to see the first XI, there was the odd fumbled step. The band played well,  I almost hummed along to Tchaikovsky's familiar tunes. Considering that country mice can't be choosers it was a very enjoyable outing, with a jolly good and pleasantly lubricated lunch in the company of like-minded people thrown in.

Ah well, why moan ? 

1 comment:

  1. Do you live near Ludlow? It is mentioned in one of my favorite poems, "Terrence, this is stupid stuff" by A. E. Housman

    Oh I have been to Ludlow fair
    And left my necktie God knows where,
    And carried half way home, or near,
    Pints and quarts of Ludlow beer


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