Saturday 28 October 2023

Sorry everyone

 I’m having some health problems, nothing fatal, just very painful. Doctor says it might last a month yet. Speak to you soon.

Love, Friko.


  1. I am sorry to read this - and hope you get better sooner than expected. Shingles?

  2. Glad it's not fatal but pain is no fun in any event. Hang in there, write when you can and most of all, take good care.

  3. Hope you get well soon! It won’t let me comment other than anonymous. A reader

  4. I hope you have some help and support through this. Please take care.

  5. Oh, I am so sorry to read this. In the midst of waiting for relief, I hope you can find some measure of peace in your days.

  6. I hope you are well soon and that you will be able to rest and find some pain relief.

  7. Thinking of you and praying for your health.

  8. Bless you friend šŸ™šŸ½ Thank you for thinking of us and checking in. We do care about you

  9. Gute Besserung, Friko. I hope whatever treatment you get will be helpful, especially keeping the pain at bay.

  10. So sorry to hear this, Friko. I hope you will be feeling much better soon and that you have effective pain relief.

  11. Yes Friko - wishing you a quiet and peaceful recovery back to comfortable health ... with thoughts and love - Hilary xo

  12. Dear Friko, I'm so sorry you got sick. I hope you'll get better soon.

  13. sorry to hear you are having problems especially painful ones. better soon I hope.

  14. I too leave the porch light on for your return.

  15. So sorry! Come back when you can. Your voice is appreciated out here in cyber space.

  16. Please do not apologize, but good to read that you are with us and missing us a bit. I took a very nasty fall earlier in the month and it took weeks for the pain to subside so that I felt almost normal again. Breathe in and breathe out and take your meds.

  17. Sorry to hear you aren’t well. Take care of yourself. Xx

  18. Thinking of you and hope you are doing better, my friend.

  19. I'm a couple of weeks late seeing this post, but looking forward to your return.

  20. I don't like the sound of painful, and so I hope you're better now, Ursula. Or at least on the mend. I also hope that by now Blogger will have done whatever it mysteriously does, and restored your ability to leave a comment on my blog. (It seems to have mysteriously removed that ability some time ago, even though I did nothing to provoke it). I looked hard in response to your comment about it, but couldn't find any way of re-enabling your comments. It seems to allow everyone else to comment.

  21. Yesterday, a Florida school board put the principal on administrative leave for the 'crime' of letting a transgender girl on the team. (Oh, horrors) To read more, go to Thank you very much. -- Emily Shorette ps - Hope you feel better. If you wish, I'll pray for you, If you feel uncomfortable with that, I'll respect your wishes.

  22. Patience has never been one of my virtues. However, I've waited and waited .....hoping you were "healing." Sending all my best wishes today that you're at the end of your "ordeal." I, like so many of your readers, have missed you. This is simply to let you know we're still here for you. Hugs from the base of the mini-mountain in Maine where some snow is expected soon.

  23. I am sorry to know about this, hope you get better soon.

  24. Almost two months now. I’m getting worried. I look forward a,ways to your blogs. Mary

  25. I do hope that things are improving for you. You're missed, a good bit. However things are, I hope your Christmas is a good one, and the New Year less fraught with difficulties.

  26. I hope you are on the mend. Hugs from Florida

  27. Friko,
    Merry Christmas!
    I wish you all the best, health and a lot of joy on this day.
    May the new year 2024 be successful for you.

  28. I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing health problems, Friko. While it's reassuring that they're not life-threatening, I understand that dealing with pain can be incredibly challenging. Please prioritize your health and well-being during this time, and don't hesitate to reach out for support from loved ones, healthcare professionals, or anyone else who can offer assistance.

    Sending you healing thoughts and warm wishes for comfort and relief. Take care, and we look forward to hearing from you when you're feeling better.

  29. Hard to believe we're almost into March....just to send positive thoughts and energy to you Friko. Take care. From the base of the mini-mountain in Maine where it's a dreary day.

  30. I do hope your health has improved - you are missed

  31. friko, it's kj. I hope you are doing okay and fear you aren't. It will be good to hear from you again. love kj

  32. I'm missing your posts Ursula, but more importantly I'm hoping you are ok. I hope you know how much you are truly missed.

  33. Here we are in May and no word yet..that’s the heartache of blogging and following a blogger. I can only hope you are still among the living and doing better and that someday we will hear from you again. Mary


Comments are good, I like to know what you think of my posts. I know you'll keep it civil.