Monday, 30 March 2015

Still struggling

I was going to brag and ask for a round of applause because
I cracked Yosemite and was successfully updating app after app.
Then suddenly up pops a window shouting "bug alert' and the screen froze.

I tried all the Mac Helpline advice on de-frosting to no avail and finally gave
in and took the iMac to the Macdoctor. It may be a week before I get
her back.

Hold the applause for now.

I am  typing this on my iPad, which is a right royal pain.

See you anon.


  1. Hopefully the Macdoctor will be able to cure your iMac, Friko!
    I agree, typing on an iPad (or any other tablet PC, for that matter) is very uncomfortable compared with the speed and ease a "proper" keyboard allows for.

  2. I have so much trouble posting on my iPad that I just don't even try to do it. And I have not upgraded my iMac OS either because I have heard lots of horror stories like yours.

  3. Is Yosemite a game? I avoid those like the plague as they can be a doorway for bugs. My Norton security suite slows down the PC but has, thus far, managed to screen all the nasty stuff from infecting either my PC or laptop. Now that I use my Nook more, I am exposing my self to a whole new danger.

  4. As an 'online immigrant' , I haven't a clue what you're talking about . I do have something that purports to protect my computer againt viruses and , rather like the 'flu jab each year , it seems to work ... except when it doesn't .

  5. Best wishes for a speedy Mac-recovery, Friko...

  6. I don't have Yosemite yet - like to have my Mac working reliably. I also have an eight-year-old version of Quicken, and a nine-year-old version of MS Office, for the same reason. Good luck to you.

  7. I will have to check out Yosemite....not.

  8. Why do these things always manage to bite one in the backside...

  9. I had a bug pop up on my laptop (MacBook Air) not long ago and had to do some digging to find out how to get rid of it, but I eventually did. Here's hoping you will be back to normal in short order. I also hate typing things on my iPad, since I really need a keyboard. :-)

  10. I have felt your pain. They don't make anything to last anymore. It sometimes costs almost the same to fix than to buy new. The age of technology is an expensive one.

  11. Good luck with your computer, my dear Friko....we have Windows computers and have a contract with the Geek Squad. It's the best money we ever spent.

  12. I would hate to have to type a post with my ipad. I hope the old one works fine when you get it back.

  13. Friko, I do hope that your MacDoctor will restore your machine to its full glory, and not just lead you to another purchase. (I type this on my own Mac laptop that so far has treated me well.)

    I continue to contemplate the purchase of an iPhone, but recent info about my employer not granting the usual annual salary raise on April 1 has slowed my enthusiasm for this purchase.

    Let us keep in touch with what the future shows us both about the access to lovely wonders of tech.


  14. I fe.el your pain. My own computer both delights me and drives me crazy

  15. No, one cannot comfortably blog on an android pad neither! Hang in there dear Friko!

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  16. Friko, do hope it can be fixed safely. Computers are such a friend when they work, but when they don't . . . (I'll say no more.) I'm so glad I found out to avoid Yosemite, and I'll watch your progress with [vested] interest.

  17. When I got my McLap in the first place and had to shift from Windows it took months before I didn't want to throw it off my balcony. I hope you adjust more quickly. An iPad just can't be the same.

  18. Oh, bother, bother, bother. Hate when this happens. Here's hoping that your Mac will be well soon.

  19. Fellow bloggers feel your pain. Any technology roadblock can make me crazy.

  20. I am always wary of updates to my iPhone. I avoid them but every once in a while son or daughter or husband will grab it and allow the updates. After that happens I have to deal with changes and I do 't much lime change! Good luck with your frozen Mac.

  21. Hey, I don't have a pad of any kind. When my computer goes, I'm in totally hot water, so I applaud you already!

  22. I must admit to drooling over a new Mac the other and stroking her when their backs were turned. Sleek-ed and flat.

    I so sympathise with you as myself and laptop came close this past wee while when her keyboard started popping the d, f, and CAPS in rapid succession. Rather than mess with drivers I went out and got a $16 keyboard and am delighted with our wee marriage again. Hope Macdoc solves your riddle.


  23. Darn! Well, I have typed on my phone now and then; not easy, but doable in a pinch. I have left my computer behind because the phone is always with me and much more versatile, anyways.

  24. But, wait. I thought those Mac thingies were supposed to be impervious to viruses? Ah, well. Making do never is fun, but sometimes it's the only answer.

    Long, long ago, my first computer monitor commited suicide. It was one of those big, bulky CRT sorts, and weighed a ton. One day I was busy in the kitchen when I smelled something far worse than anything I could have produced on the stove. I walked out to where the computer was humming along, and realized the smell was burning plastic. I laid my hand on top, and it might as well have been the stove. I ripped the plug out of the wall, and have been happily using a flat screen monitor since.

    I fear this monitor is on its way out. It turns itself off about every third day. So far, it's come back on, but... I think I might go for an LED monitor next time. They say they're much brighter, and it seems that would be good for the eyes. Or not. Research is required.

  25. Oh, I feel your pain. Computers are such a mystery to me -- when they go wonky I despair. My laptop refused to read my photo card all afternoon then suddenly changed its mind. Dark and mysterious are its ways,

  26. Hope you get rid of your bug! I would hate to type on my Kindle:)

  27. Hi Friko - good luck with the bedrest for the bug .. and perhaps you can enjoy some slightly warmer walks without worrying about the machine at home ... have a peaceful Easter - cheers Hilary

  28. Thanks for the timely warning. I had been feeling lazy for not updating my os - and now I don't need to bother! Greetings and Blessings from Dalamory.

  29. I am so sorry! I was desolate when my laptop went on the blink, ridiculously so. I do not replace equipment often at all, so it is years old and has been with me a long time. I hope you have your friend back with you soon.

  30. I hope this trouble will pass soon.

  31. I know that feeling. Computers are the most frustrating thing ever.

  32. *strangled gargle*

    That is SO frustrating--and typing from a tablet, to use the vernacular, SUCKS.

  33. I feel your pain, Friko. Thankfully my Windows laptop is functioning well at present, but I really think I should invest in a tablet as back-up, just in case.

  34. I understand your pain. I got a new computer with Yosemite on it, and it was also installed by my husband on the old one downstairs. He knows what he is doing on such things, but I could not scan using either computer. He spent all morning today on the line with our printer company trying to get the computers so I can scan. All of this is a royal pain.

    As for typing on a tablet: it is a royal pain. I have a keyboard on my mini iPad, but I still hate typing on it. Hang in there.

  35. I hope everything except for the computer
    goes well at your end and wish you a very
    Happy Easter! :))

  36. I have been afraid to upgrade to Yosemite. Hope you navigate this issue soon!

    Happy Easter!

  37. I sure am am missing your blog! Hope the computer issue gets taken care of soon! Hope everything else is fine for you.

  38. I too hate the iPad for posting as it often just freezes up.
    Hope all will end well soon.


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