Friday, 5 February 2010

A Good Day for a Walk

I'm ready, are you?

Where do we start?
In the garden, shall we? Let's see
how the aconites and snowdrops are doing.


The Unk is calm again after the floods. but there is little life in the hedge apart from the brilliant green of the lichen on the hawthorn stumps.

Hello sheep!
You're clean?

There's Manor Farm just over the hill. Perhaps we had better turn round here.

The shadows of the trees in the field by the river are getting longer; soon the day will turn cold again.


  1. This is a incredible series- highlighted with a delightful narration. I have some mossy photos I did recently though I haven't put them together- so it's interesting to see the contrast here- very inspirational..the woods are where I'm drawn.
    I'm working my way over to the kitchen..just procrastinating-
    Regards, Regina-

  2. As I walk in Waikiki today
    your scenes will be dancing in my mind.

    Aloha, Friend!

    Comfort Spiral

  3. O wie wunderbar, die Luft riecht nach Frühling bei Euch in England (okay, auch ein bisschen nach Schaf - hihi, aber nur ein bisschen) ... Ach, was beneide ich Dich, auch nur so - tatsächlich würde ich es einfach uns allen wünschen, dass der Winter uns aus seinen festen Fäusten lässt. Aber eines weiß ich jetzt schon, das merke ich, wenn ich Deine zauberhaften Impressionen betrachte, ich werde diesen Frühling genießen, wie ich schon lange keinen mehr genossen habe.

    Zu einem Blumenstrauss

    So wie der Mensch Ungestüm und Schuld
    In jede Stunde unseres Lebens dringt
    Und uns zu Mitschuld oder Leiden zwingt,
    So strömt Natur mit freundlicher Geduld
    Aus hundert Quellen ewig zu uns ein,
    Blickt uns aus Tier, Baum, Blume mahnend an,
    Ist immer ganz und schön und ohne Wahn,
    Kennt keine Hast, kein Unrecht, keinen Schein.
    Mit ihren Blumen, die uns sanft umwerben,
    Lehrt sie uns schuldlos leben, klaglos sterben.

    Hermann Hesse 1877 - 1962

    ein sonniges frühlingahnendes Wochenende für Dich,

    liebe Grüße

  4. Hello Friko - lovely pics of a lovely place - J

  5. Oh Friko. What a lovely post. Feels like I'm walking right alongside you. Love the pictures.

  6. What a lovely walk. Loved the snowdrops, the fluffy sheep, and the long shadows on the field. Looks like you have some signs of Spring there!!! We're still covered in snow and probably will be until the end of March. Have a happy weekend dear Friko.

  7. Love that sheep. It looks like it's been all tidied up ready for a special day. I want to hug it. I hugged a sheep once at a farm I visited - we hugged for ages. It nestled its head into my neck. It was one of the best moments of my life, hugging that sheep. My kids were dead embarrassed, though.

  8. It has been a good day for a walk in this part of the world - lulling one into thinking that maybe Spring is on the way. I'd like to believe that were the case.

    Particularly like your photograph of the half hidden farm house - it looks rather

  9. It has been raining here all day and I have been catching up on blogs I had not read for a while. Going on the walk with you has been invigorating – the company was great, the view inspiring and I feel quite refreshed. So it was almost the same as having been there, no? not quite but thanks for taking us along.

  10. My idea of a lovely walk is going along with you in your rambles. Thanks for the picture walk of all you viewed. I did think your black companion looked more like he was happy staying warm inside though. I would have stayed with him. ;-)

  11. Very nice walk, Friko, I really enjoyed it. It's really pretty near you. I'll have to do a walk but I fancy no-one wants to see empty factories and soulless business parks :-)

  12. This walk was just what I needed. My world is very cold and white. Your dog, however, looks EXACTLY like our Lucy. Right down to the grey on her chin.

  13. aaagghhh...sigh...thank you.

    Please have you all a wonderful weekend. And yes, I loved the aconites picture much.

  14. A lovely walk, thank you. Your snowdrops are way ahead of ours! I love pale, slanting, winter sunshine, don't you?

  15. ooohhh, Friko, I want to be able to go on a walk like that, with a dog for my companion. I miss not having one anymore, and think I should ask my neighbour if I can take his hound. But I don't really care for hounds. I prefer mine a bit softer, personality and coat-wise.

  16. friko i'm so glad to get to go along on a walk with you! flowers! i go to the florists to see those at this time of year. the loooooong shadows are lovely across the fields. have a peaceful afternoon. steven

  17. Thanks for letting us join your walk. Beautiful photos.
    A x

  18. I want to add my thanks to those already submitted, Friko. It amazes me to see such beauty from a walk taken an ocean away. I will never quite believe the magic of the web.

    My city afternoon walk took me to my neighborhood postoffice for stamps and lots of interesting observation of public behavior, a neighborhood yarn shop for an indulgence in bright colors that might eventually turn into bright colored slippers, and my wonderful neighborhood market for lots of brilliant veg, some cheese, some orange juice.

    I did not see any aconites or snowdrops or sheep.

    My walk was pleasant, but I do envy you your views. xo

  19. Friko, it feels like you've invited us into your life, taking us along on your walk. Thanks it was fun.

  20. Every one of you, thank you so much for coming on my walk with me.


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